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2 posts tagged with "google"

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1M+ Spam Emails Per Month!

· 2 min read
Gmail logo

Whoa!! I just got a rather surprising (to me) warning from Gmail. It reads:

You are almost out of space for your Gmail account. You can view our tips on reducing your email storage or purchase additional storage.

As I said, this was a bit of a surprise to me. When I first began using Gmail, I kept a close eye on my storage usage, but it used to climb so slowly that I soon forgot all about it. But upon seeing the above message, I quickly glanced down to read:

You are currently using 6989 MB (95%) of your 7356 MB.

Getting Chromium

· 4 min read
Chromium logo

Since Google released Chrome last year, I've gotten used to regularly using two browsers on my PC: Google Chrome for all of my "simple" personal browsing such as webmail, and Firefox for more advanced browsing such as website development. This also tends to create a nice separation of personal (Chrome) versus work (Firefox) tasks.

However, one thing that has bothered me for some time is the (slightly) proprietary nature of Google Chrome... don't get me wrong, Chrome is built from the opensource Chromium project, so it's not all that proprietary, but still, something does not quite sit right with me.