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3 posts tagged with "ibm"

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Memory leak in ibm_db.fetch_assoc

· One min read

I had a really frustrating time yesterday, trying to sort out some bugs in IBM's ibm_db DB2 driver for Python. Unfortunately I don't know Python well enough to know whether the bugs are in the ibm_db driver, Python, or my misuse if either or both :( But what I can tell you, is that the following Python / ibm_db code results in a definite memory leak.

sql = "SELECT filename, data FROM files WHERE id = ... ";
stmt = ibm_db.exec_immediate(conn,sql);
row = ibm_db.fetch_assoc(stmt);
row.clear(); # Just to be sure.

I've started a discussion on the memory leak issue over at the ibm_db group (on Google Groups), so it will be interesting to see what transpires :) But all I can say at this stage is this: IBM's ibm_db DB2 driver for Python seems only half baked, currently. To be fair though, it is still officially in Beta.

DB2 Net Search Extender's index update sheduling

· 5 min read

The DB2 NSE service crashed my DB2 server over the weekend... again!! And this time it corrupted one of my user tablespaces!!! Very annoying. However, in the process of restoring the destroyed database from the most recent backup, I noticed entries in the db2diag.log file indicated that db2text (the NSE indexing process) was trying to update indexes for a database that no longer exists - ie a database that I dropped some time ago.

Now, this was not new to me... I'd actually seen this benign error before, but had not found a solution to it yet. You see, to fix the problem, the most obvious thing to do is simply drop the indexes via:

db2text 'DROP INDEX idx FOR TEXT CONNECT TO db USER name USING pass'

Seeding db2's RAND function

· 2 min read

Most computers cannot generate truly random numbers. For this reason, many computer programming languages include pseudo-random number generators. These pseudo-random generators usually need to be seeded so that they don't always reproduce the same sequence of numbers.