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2 posts tagged with "svn"

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Pre-pre-build commands with qmake

· 8 min read
Qt logo

With most non-trivial Qt projects that I create, I like to include a pre-pre-build command in the qmake project file. I'll explain why as we go, but first off, let's look at what I mean by "pre-pre-build" (it is not at all a standard term).

The typical build process (as performed by make looks something like this:

  1. For the given target, check if any of the target's dependencies have been updated since it was last (re)built.
    1. If no dependencies have changed, do nothing - we're done ;)
    2. If one or more dependencies have changed, then:
      1. Build each dependent target.
      2. Build this target.
      3. If appropriate, link this target with its dependencies.

That is, of course, a gross oversimplification... but it will do the purpose of this post.

svn: No newline at end of file

· 4 min read
Subversion logo

If you've used Subversion for any significant length of time, then you've probably run into the following message (or one just like it), near the end of a svn diff command.

\ No newline at end of file

Of course, you would have realised that this is because your editor has added a newline character to the end of the file in question, where the original had no such newline character.