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2 posts tagged with "qpid"

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PCP, Qpid, and PMDA++

· 2 min read
PMDA++ logo

I've recently been working with Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) - specifically, creating some PCP add-ons (known as PMDAs) for exposing custom application metrics to PCP.

While doing so, it became pretty clear to me, that although PCP's PMDA C API is very efficient, a good quality C++ wrapper could significantly cut PMDA development and maintenance time (for people like me, at least), while also increasing runtime safety by building-in all of the checks and balances that most PMDAs (should) perform, in a generic reusable manner.

This sounded like a bit of fun, and suited my present hunger for some more advanced C++ API design work, so went about implementing such a library.

PHP binding for Apache Qpid's Messaging API

· 2 min read
Apache Qpid™ Logo

Apache Qpid™ is a high performance open-source message queuing system. But there's no point me telling you all about it - just check it out over at

The Qpid project provides two different message brokers, and several client APIs. However it did not yet have a PHP client API, so I set about writing one :)

Although the PHP binding I created is SWIG-based, it was not as straight-forward as writing a simple SWIG interface file, and compiling... no sir! First off, running SWIG on the standard Qpid headers in PHP mode resulted in SWIG seg-faulting. So after reporting that bug to SWIG (it has since been fixed, yay!) and developing a workaround, I then had to solve a number of small issues, and then write some Qpid Variant ⇔ PHP type-mapping routines.