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3 posts tagged with "cmd"

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Building Boost on Windows

· 3 min read
Boost Logo

From time to time I find myself building Boost on Windows. There's a number of small things that need to be done to make that happen. Having had to "rediscover" the build process each time, I recently decided to create a small Windows command script to automate most of the process.

As I find the build script extremely useful, I figured it would be worth posting it here to inspire others in similar circumstances.

Converting HRM Files to TCX

· 5 min read
Polar WebSync logo

I recently posted an AWK script for combining GPX and HRM files into TCX format. This script is really handy when you have GPX files with or without matching HRM files, but what if you have HRM files without GPX files?

It did not immediately occur to me that there'd be any value in converting lone HRM files to TCX, since I think of TCX as being geographic location focused (which is not strictly true). However, prompted by Conrad, it became apparent that I could indeed convert HRM files (without GPX files) to TCX, and indeed, I already had 30 or so such HRM files that I'd been entering into Strava manually (stationary trainer sessions, and weights workouts).